Thursday 7 October 2010


I took several photographs for my magazine cover. Here are a couple of potential photos I could use.

This photo is a good shot but the girl in the picture doesn't look very positive and this could put a negative attitude out for what is supposed to be a positive magazine.

The second photo down, this is the photo I might use for the background of my magazine. This could back up my potential anchorage which is "At Wyke the Sky is Your Limit".

The third photo is another photo I took here of three students, this could be a good example of the Technology at Wyke, but the downsides are that the colour of the image may not go with my colour shceme, and it does not meet the criteria of the brief as it is not particuarly a medium shot, and because it is of three students it does not seem suitable. I could crop the two girls out of the picture and have the middle student as this is a middle shot, this is still an option.


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